



Community service is a great way to get involved in the community where you live. Volunteer work has been shown to improve physical and mental health, increase positive social contacts, provide opportunities for personal development, and improve self-esteem. As a volunteer worker, you can share your skills, aptitude for working with people, and experiences. Working with people who are older or have special needs offers unique opportunities to learn new things about yourself and the outside world. Sometimes volunteering feels like the least our society can do to help those who need it most. As members of a community, we need to support each other by giving of ourselves.

Our Chaplains have a deep desire to serve God and others by demonstrating the love of Christ. We are passionate about both our work and the communities we serve. Our commitment has always been to our families, our jobs, and our community as we move forward with great enthusiasm and zeal.

Our mission is to help our community by providing a safe space for all to connect and grow together. We believe that when you're part of a community, it's not just about the people in your life--it's about the people who are part of your community, too. We want to support everyone who wants to make an impact on our world, and we want you to be part of it!

We believe in onboarding new members with a welcoming environment where they can feel at home and never feel like they're alone. We also believe in helping each other get through tough times by being there for one another when we need it most.